Could You be Hording Your Corn…? Smart Peole are Selling.

“He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it” (Prov 11:26).

Of course, I know you’re hitching to ask me a question. I’ll take a guess. You want to know what this corn stuff is all about. Right? Then follow me.

1.What’s Corn?

  • A life-sustaining value that people are dying to get because they really need it.
  • A seed in your hand that needs to be released for the service of a generation.
  • A gift or talent that needs to be traded for multiple returns (Matt 25:14-30)
  • 2.You are not the only one here…

    Your own existence is intricately linked to the to the destinies of thousands of people. These people will either curse or bless you, depending on whether you release the corn in your hand or not. It’s part of the principle of agreement . Life’s an assist for life.

    So then it’s simple. Hoard the corn and live in mystery or sell it and live in abundance. The scripture says, withholding more than is necessary only tends toward poverty (Prov 11:24).

    Nothing goes for nothing, to get what you desire in life you must give what you’re holding. This is the Law of Exchange on which economy of wealth is built. It’s pure scripture!

    3.One man’s Seed is another man’s Need.

    Your seed can only multiply after it has served the needs of other people (2Cor 9:10). I know what’s going on in that little mind of yours. How can anyone ever profit from me. What can anyone do with my little corn? A lots. Yours’ is to sell and let them decide.

    Do you know your little corn can be used for and converted to unimaginable things? I’m sure you know of cornmeal and popcorn. What about starch, sugar, ethanol, cosmetics, soaps, livestock feed, oil and gas, and countless of others? They can all be by-product of your neglected corn.

    4.Why you should Sell now.

  • To enrich yourself.
  • That widow was suffering from hunger and indebtedness until the prophet asked the question: what do you have in the house? And after the oil got miraculously increased what happen? The prophet only need to give her one last instruction – go and sell the oil…(2kgs 4:1-7). Want to be rich, do what she did. Go sell some stuffs.

  • For others to release what they’re sent to give you.
  • You’ve heard that before. Life’s an assist for life. You must exchange to exist. That’s what happen in plants and animal kingdom, remember in your biology class. (Of course, I refuse to be an animal for the sake of any science).

  • That you won’t be cursed by the generation you’re sent to serve.
  • That’s direct enough, right?

  • You’ll give account of your stewardship.
  • Meaning, you’re accountable to God. You were not given those wonderful gifts for fun. God gave them to you to keep his world going. Become a clog in his wheel of progress and…you’re fired.

  • To avoid atrophy.
  • Whatever you don’t use, you lose. The world isn’t actually made to be static, you and I belong to a moving universe. It’s the law of motion. When things stay on one spot they begin to go bad. They gather dust and rust. So if you want to destroy your corn keep it (Matt 25)

  • To avoid the Outer Darkness for being unprofitable.
  • What’s an O.D? A place of regrets and sorrow. A form of personal hell. It has often been said that there are two kinds of pains in life. The pains of discipline and the pains of regrets. The latter is hell.

    5.Can 7 billions of people be rich?

    This is one question I’ve always ask myself and this has always been my answer. Yes. If we all release the corn in our hands. And it’s also pure scripture! ” The profit of the earth is for ALL” (Ecc 5:9). We make profit only when we sell. Are you going to sell some stuffs now?

    Any comment?

    See you at the market-place.

    Segun Dada is God’s Own Errand Boy, and Yours. He writes to relegate the fluffs by promoting real Values.

    2 thoughts on “Could You be Hording Your Corn…? Smart Peole are Selling.

    1. Pingback: Cracking the success code in three keys. | Stuffs That Count

    2. Pingback: Get Exactly What You Want From People Without Appearing As A Desperate Begger. | Stuffs That Count

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